5 &Reboot 6 Currently upgrading ... 7 Upgrade completed. Click Reboot to restart\nyour system for the changes to take effect. 8 Click Upgrade to begin. 9 This ASPI for Windows 95/NT upgrade program requires that you have an Adaptec SCSI host adapter or Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0 installed on your system. This program has not detected an Adaptec SCSI host adapter or Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0 on your system.\n\nClick OK to learn more about ordering Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0. 10 Exiting Upgrade Program 11 The following error occurred during the upgrade process : \n 12 Unable to complete upgrade! 13 SCSI Tape Backup 14 CD Writer 16 Unable to locate the Adaptec Backup program. 17 Upgrade in process. Please wait... 18 This ASPI for Win upgrade program requires that you have an Adaptec SCSI host adapter installed on your system. This program has not detected an Adaptec SCSI host adapter on your system. 19 Upgrade completed. Click Ok to continue. 20 This upgrade program requires that the following files all be present in the same directory: 21 &OK 22 Unable to open the file "UPLIST.DAT". This file was not found or missing. 23 An error occurred during the upgrade process. 24 Unable to open the file "ASPI32UP.RTP". This file was not found or missing. 25 Please exit and try this upgrade again. 26 Please check to make sure there are no other SCSI applications resident. If there are, please exit all running applications and try the upgrade again. 27 This program will now terminate. 28 The new changes will not take effect until you reboot. \nDo you wish to reboot your system now? 29 SCSI Explorer 30 CD Copier 31 SCSIBench 32 Photo CD Viewer 33 This powerful application combines Power Management, a SCSI interrogator, and a Read/Write Cache utility. 34 Backs up volumes, directories or individual files to tape to prevent loss of data. 35 Backs up the entire contents of one CD to a second one. 36 Provides CD-R mastering from the desktop. 37 Allows photographic images to be viewed or edited and exported as data files for multimedia applications. 38 Measure the throughput of your SCSI devices with SCSIBench, the ultimate SCSI benchmark utility. 39 Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0 40 For information on how to order Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0 click Next. 41 Audio CD Player 42 Quick Scan 43 Drive Light 44 SCSI Tutor 45 Photo CD Images 46 Adaptec Audio CD Player lets you play your audio CDs on your CD-ROM Drive, choosing from 4 convenient desktop controls. 47 Adaptec QuickScan allows you to print, view or save scanned images. 48 Monitor your SCSI disk activity on your Windows 95 taskbar. 49 With Adaptec SCSITutor you will learn more about SCSI with an online tutorial and glossary. 50 Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0 includes over 80 professional quality full color photographs to view with the Adaptec Photo CD Viewer. (CD-ROM version only) 51 Click Next to get a preview of just a few of the new and exciting applications that are included. 52 Begin displaying Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0 applications... Click Next to display next application. 53 Are you sure you to exit now? 54 Are you sure you want to exit now? 55 &Next 56 ASPI layer is up to date! 57 Upgrade completed. Click Continue to see some of the\nnew and exciting features of Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0. 58 &Continue 59 Click Reboot to restart system. 60 Finished displaying Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0 applications. 62 ASPI layer is up to date. Click OK to see some of the new\nand exciting features of Adaptec EZ-SCSI 4.0. 63 HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\Scsi 65 Adaptec ASPI Upgrade Error! 66 Adaptec ASPI Upgrade 67 ASPI32UP.RTP 68 Error Starting Adaptec ASPI Upgrade 69 A required patch file, ASPI32UP.RTP, was not found or missing. 70 A required patch file, PATCHW32.DLL, was not found or missing. 71 A required patch file, UPLIST.DAT, was not found or missing.